About Gomoral
Gomoral is a platform that provides educational material for intellectual, moral, social and cultural development of the readers particularly students. Classical moral stories, famous quotes by prominent personalities of the world, quizzes, constructive articles and formal informative courses are our major tools to boost the positive knowledge of students as well as other readers.
About me
I teach about intellectual, moral, social and cultural development. A human being will get respect in the society, if he sustains high ethical and academic level along with societal and cultural understanding. Being a teacher, I consider it my duty to communicate all aspects of education. So, I provide decent flowers of ethical ideas to decorate the mind as a vase.
I write on the topics which are for boosting rational, moral, social and cultural knowledge. A human mind is a vase that should be decorated with decent and ethical ideas as flowers. It’s my duty to pick the gems from oriental and modern literature and serve them to the readers. I do my duty and choose the flowers for the readers’ vase.
I speak about need of logical, honest, social and cultural knowledge. Along with materialistic development, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is must. To live a happy life, all kind of above-mentioned development is necessary.